Murals with Positive Messages

Cincinnati has influential art around every corner. One of the best things about this city
is the incredible number of murals all over town! The area is known for showcasing
local creators and world-renowned artists with public art in every neighborhood that is
convenient and fun to find! You can take a nice leisure walk, cruise on a city bike, or
ride around in your car to access many art pieces displayed freely for anyone to enjoy.
Embark on a journey to see murals with positive messages and meaning that goes
deeper than the surfaces they are painted on. These works offer a chance to be in the
present moment, to reflect and be inspired and to elevate your state of mind. So, keep
your eyes and hearts open to encounter and be encouraged by Cincinnati art!

Keep Moving, Keep Playing, Keep Dreaming Mural

Where To Find

In the West End, there are three large wall pieces with beautiful words that will make
you smile with happy thoughts when you see them! These huge murals have
motivational phrases painted on brick in bold letters on the side of the Seven Hills
Neighborhood House building. SHNH is a wonderful local resource and community
gathering space at the corner of Findlay and Baymiller Street. ArtWorks partnered with
them to create murals commemorating the life and work of Susan O’Malley, the original
creator of the designs. Their team carefully selected enthusiastic messages from
Susan’s work to share with residents or anyone just passing through.

Encouraging Mural in Cincinnati
Artwork by: Susan O’Malley

From left to right, there are three quotes placed side by side which come together as a
tryptic to create a positive narrative. They work as separate statements, as well as a
sequence of different affirmations with similar subject matter and style. This creates a
lively conversation that unifies them and reaches out to connect with the viewer. Each
section has a fade of colors seamlessly flowing behind the text. They are both
aesthetically pleasing and comforting to experience!

The first sentiment starts off with the words “IT IS POSSIBLE”, initially welcoming the
viewer to believe in themselves and imagine everything they can accomplish. The
second panel has a delightful rainbow background that says, “KEEP MOVING KEEP
PLAYING KEEP DREAMING”, a friendly reminder to follow your passions and never
give up. Last but not least, “YOU ARE SMARTER AND STRONGER THAN YOU
REALIZE”, sending out an endearing confirmation that everyone is capable of
succeeding! All three of these amazing pieces cohesively connect in an effort to
promote self-empowerment and reassurance that you can achieve anything!
The concept of displaying artwork that expresses positivity is to create a sense of
solidarity that is uplifting and helpful to the environment and community.

By taking in the art in Cincinnati, you gain a better understanding of the importance of
an artist, the work they create, and the role it plays in society. These murals bring out
the true essence of what art is all about and how it can be a source of good energy and
support. We hope to see more murals with positive messages pop up around town and
pick up our spirits at every turn.

Credit to:

@somalley (original artwork)

@artworkscincy (made possible by)

@7hillsneighbhouses (partnered with)

@christencc (for photos and article if used on social)

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